Some days I feel like I am hanging on by a thread.
A little tiny thread.
About to snap under the pressure.
Some days, I feel my sanity wanting to flee.
Madness taking over.
Where does all this come from?
One guess, Sydaleigh.
She pushes me to what I think is my limit every day.
Some days I sit back and wonder where all these emotional roller coasters are coming from.
The beginning of her two's were cake compared to being almost three.
I'm so frustrated.
She is loving and happy one minute, and then a mili second later ( yeah it's that fast) she is yelling and being defiant.
I wish I knew what was going on in her.
It brings me to tears some days because being her parent is so hard right now.
I feel lost with discipline-because nothing appears to be working.
Spankings, time outs, taking privileges away, it works for the moment, but then as soon as something happens to turn her world upside down ( you name it, everything qualifies) she forgets about the consequence and just gives way to her emotions.
I can't even give an example. Her mood swings are so random right now-there is no consistency
on her side.
( I know I've written about this before but it is heavy on my heart right now)
But I know consistency is the key ( I figure one of us ought to be). I just don't see it working right now. I don't see anything working. All I see are emotional outbursts that make absolutely no sense to me.
"Lord, give me strength to parent Sydaleigh in a way that will bring glory and honor to you. Give me wisdom to love her and teach her in a way that will be impactful to the unique person that she is. Help me not to feel defeated."
I am praying....right along side the thick of it here too.
Hold fast, girl, you will make it through - and so will she. My oldest was the same way, her terrible twos didn't hit until 3. My second born started at 18 months. Praying with you.
I read your ENTIRE BLOG. I had two little babies who screamed all the time. The reason they are 3 1/2 years apart is because that was the first night Ben slept all night long. I think I circumnavigated the globe 25 times, walking while Lisi screamed. I think I'm deaf in my left ear because of her screaming.
Issak looks so much like his dad.
KEEP STRONG!!!! do you ever watch supernanny? I love watching that show when I feel like this, (and yes I do alot!) Ethan in an emotional basket case, and three was way harder then two, Aaron who is SOOOOO stuborn man! he is almost three and I'm feeling it!
Anyway- I love that show, it always brings me back the the basics because I think I have a hard time because I'm just as emotional as them, (the kids) and they feed off that, Aaron can tell when I'm frustrated and will push me to my limits and laugh in my face when I loose it with him. It's like he knows that I feel like I have failed and he was won the battle. Supper nanny is really basic and consistant and I will tell you that I feel like 9 time out of 10 time outs don't work because my kids still make naughty choices, or behave bad, but they do in the sense that they are consistant, and they keep ME from getting to emotional, and angry.
Some time I will give myself a time out too, say a prayer, call a friend.
Sorry I know this has turned into a VERY long comment and maybe you could care less about what I do, but I thought I would share it anyway.
being a mom is the hardest job in the world hands down, and the most important too, you can do it! stay strong!!
Plus when she gets to be a teen ager you will look back and think this was a piece of cake (haha -ok maybe not funny j/k)
Hang in there, girl! Even God has defiant children... :) You're doing the right thing by turning to him for your strength and help in time of need. Miss you!
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