If I had known seven years ago that the sweet little fun loving playful kitten that Isaak picked out when we lived in Texas would turn into a PLASTIC EATING MONSTER, I would have seriously cautioned against getting him.
Ohhhhh, if I had only known!
I always get a few laughs when I tell people my cat has a plastic fetish, and yes, I guess the sound of it lends itself to a laugh, because it sounds absurd.
Seriously? Plastic fetish?
Uh-huh, YEAH! a plastic fetish, and it's really annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the complete opposite of funny!
I literally have to safe guard my house from every kind of plastic bag there is, because if I don't, Chief (the cat), will quite literally tear the bag to shreds and then eat it.
But oh, the fun doesn't stop there-oh noooooooooo.........
....after having a field day chowing down on super yummy plastic he then proceeds to throw it all up-assuming he is able to throw it up the first couple of times. Most of the time it gets lodged in his intestines so we are looking at LOTS of throwing up until he can dislodge it.
I wished the good times stopped there, but they don't-if he can't throw it up right away then he gets diarreah, because by now it is wrecking havoc on his whole body.
You can imagine just how much fun it is to have him around!
Does it look like I have time for this??
No no, does it look like I WANT to have to deal with this?!
I am already up to my eyeballs in bodily fluids with two kids in diapers (one shouldn't be, but we won't get into that)
And to top off my days I get to clean up this mess. Oh man.
Well, today Chief made a new low, not finding his typical plastic bags to devour, he took to eating Marvelly's plastic sippy cup nipple on her nuby!
OH MY GOSH! A nervous break down is approaching!
Can he just kick the bucket already?!
I know! that sounds really terrible, I can't even believe I verbalized that.
But I can't take him to the pound we've had him for over 7 years- he (thinks) he is part of our family!
That would be so cruel-sending him to live with someone else. No one else is gonna want to pick up after him. I don't even want to-I do it out of necessity.
But I don't want to keep him either. He could very well live another ten years-oh my gosh, the thought of another ten years is almost unbearable.
I'm so conflicted.
Oh and to make matters worse, the girls just absolutely love him (gag).
This problem would at least be easier if we had hard floors, rather than carpet, at least I wouldn't have to do some much scrubbing, but I can't even change that.
I'm just stuck-stuck stuck stuck.
I hate being stuck.
This is why I told Shaun before we were married that we could either have kids or have animals. I couldn't mentally and physically have both. Luckily for me we had kids, and still not pets in site. Sorry about your dilemma, good luck!! My mother-in-law was pretty funny and had a cat problem who loved to pee on clean laundry, when her last kid moved out somehow the cat wasn't allowed inside anymore. The cat is not around anymore. Could chief become an outside cat?? Just a suggestion.
make is "look like it was an accident..."
I'm kidding!!! but really I'm not an animal person at all so I really feel your pain!!! you are stronger then me that thing would have been gone a long time ago!
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