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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bloom where you're planted

Saturday after Isaak got home from Cali we took the girls to a pumpkin patch out by Nebraska City. The thirty minute drive out there was so beautiful-out in the middle of what seemed like no where, surrounded by rolling farm land, which was a bit brown since harvest season is done, but in no way took away from the awesome scenery.
The pumpkin patch was called Bloom Where You're Planted.
How charming.
It was family owned, super quaint, much smaller than Vala's, way more toddler friendly, extremely inexpensive ($2 people), not too big, not too small, just all in all perfect.
We (adults included) had such a good time. Only had a meltdown when it was time to go home-because she didn't want to go home! None of us did, but nap time was calling. We really had such a good time-can't wait to go back next year.

It was a special agricultural weekend so there were a number of extra animals there for petting.

Syd is not quite sure if she likes the pigs enough to actually touch them, but she checks them out.

The kids got to shuck corn and then put it in that thiny ma jiggy and turn the handle as the kernals came out the bottom and collected in the bucket below. Cool stuff.

a really cool corn 'box'

We buried Marvelly in corn as she ate hay from the bails.

Sydaleigh spotted two grasshoppers 'hugging' while frolicking in the corn fields.

yummy cookies, more animals, a playground, tons of rustic knick knacks for cool photo ops, friends-and the only thing we forgot was a pumpkin. Not too shabby!!

1 comment:

The Toronto Family said...

so cute!!!! I love days like this!!! this is what you cling to when the bad ones come!!!