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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Eww, eww, and ewwwwww

I ran upstairs for TWO minutes after semi-changing Marvelly's poopy butt, to grab a diaper from her bedroom. I peek my head in Sydaleigh's room to see that she' still sleeping and walk back downstairs to finish dressing Marvelly.

I find her behind the couch, next to the wall, standing on a top to her box of blocks, surrounded by a strange looking something.

"Hmmm, what is that?"

Already knowing the answer to that question I approach Marvelly and blurt out to Isaak,

"ISAAK! Did Marvelly poop all over the floor!?"

(again, already knowing the answer to that question, I still somehow felt the need to ask Isaak)

"What???" was his response. (He was in his nothing box)

In the two minutes I was upstairs obtaining a diaper for my child who just pooped, she decided to poop again, with no diaper on, all over the carpet.

Her feet, the chair, the cable cord, the box top, and the carpet...all covered in poo.

Lots and lots of poo.

And she was mashing it into the carpet.


She was apparently just as disgusted by the whole incident as I was, which prompted her to try and rub the poo off on everything in a two foot radius of her....

...which was why all the above were coated in poo.

I just spot cleaned the entire downstairs carpet three days ago! Nice.

But, I couldn't very well be mad at Marvelly, it wasn't her fault she didn't have a diaper on...I couldn't be mad at Isaak, he didn't know she was going to continue pooping after just being I just sat, and brooded to myself, and cleaned the mashed poop out of my freshly cleaned carpets.

I've noticed that poo stories seem to be the dominant theme in my kids childhoods so far...
...wonder when they won't be anymore????.....

All I have left to say is that having kids has turned me into an exceptional carpet cleaner over the years, and I'm really glad that I blog because I know these stories are gonna come in handy some day.....(he he he he he)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am laughing but not at you cause the second I do it will happen here!!!! I plan to save all my poop stories till they are 13 then payback!! LOL! Beck