to my Mumma on this Mother's Day
thank you, for blessing me with siblings...
thank you, for home-made birthday cakes...
thank you, for making me eat my vegetables...
thank you, for encouraging imaginative play...
thank you, for trucking us to the 'Y' for swim lessons...
thank you, for raising me in church and taking me to Vacation Bible School...
thank you, for teaching me early on to take care of someone besides myself...
thank you, for "dragging" me to museums...
thank you, for leading by example the importance of exercise...
thank you, for instilling in me a love for the beach...
thank you, for being an active part of my education...
thank you, for making me play outside in the scorching heat...
thank you, for our love of the South...
thank you, for loving relationships with your family
thank you, for giving me an appreciation of history
thank you, for making me sit through living room 'photo shoots'
thank you, for giving me life...
thanks Mom, for all you did, and all you still do...Happy Mother's Day!
that was really beautiful...and I would have bet my life that it was Sydaleigh with the Little Pony b-day cake...
I was thinking, I did not remember you making Syd a pony cake! All you girls look so much alike!
yes, that was sweet and HOLY COW Sydaleigh looks like you!!!!!
and your mom looks like you too! That female gene pool is strong in your family!
What a cute idea for your mother. I am also glad that everything with Marvelly is good. What a scary thing to go through. We just got back from our trip today so we need to get together and play!
Gosh, your mom is so beautiful and so are you! Your little girls look SO much like you!
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