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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Good stuff galore!

Since Marvelly's hospital scare this week we have received such an outpouring of love...
we're talking dinner, flowers, cookies, cards...not to mention enough prayers to move a mountain!
I feel so blessed, so grateful, so humbled...and that's just to name three; I don't think I could put my thankfulness into words, because saying "thank you" once again seems so small.
But, "thank you!",
even though those two words do a meager job of expressing my heart,
"thank you thank you thank you!" over and over and over.

The good stuff didn't end there, uh uh...
today I went out for a pre-Mother's day morning of- yard saleling baby! I didn't score as much as I normally do, but I made out pretty well!

And then, when I got home Isaak and the girl's gave me my Mother's Day presents early. Normally I would be totally against this-but I was in a receiving kind of mood, so what the hey.

Sydaleigh gave "me" a Barbie. She's so generous, just what she knew she wanted!

thank you Sydaleigh-have fun with your new toy. :)

My real gift, which Isaak though of all by himself and was very proud of...

was a new digital picture frame. I would have never bought myself one of these but I'm so glad Isaak did-it's so cool!! I love it. Like love it love it.

Thank you for everything...I'm off to play with my new computer picture frame.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Ha ha, I love Sydaleigh's gift :) Props to Isaak for the picture frame, those things are really cool! Perfect for someone who loves photography :)