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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Can I have a tissue please?"

Sydaleigh had her final day of gymnastics this morning and I got to sit in and watch her do all the little tricks she's learned over these past two months. At then end of class all the kids did a routine to some music and then her teacher handed them a 1st place ribbon.

Oh my gosh-I was totally fine until she got that ribbon!

I was actually having to hide my face because I was crying!!!
Over a ribbon!
A ribbon!

In my defense it was her very first ribbon and her very first "recital" of sorts, and I just couldn't help myself. Seriously, if I'm crying over ribbons and gymnastics recitals, there is no hope for me to be able to hold myself together when she accomplishes bigger things.

Sydaleigh walking the little balancing bean, attempting to do a kart wheel,

and doing some sort of a "Ta-Da!" She is finally able to do a somersault, which was a joy to see. Girl could never get enough momentum to roll all the way gymnastics paid off!

We are continuing lessons through the summer with a mini 6 week course, so she doesn't lose steam, and then again in the Fall.

my little gymnast.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Way too fun :) That is SUCH a good sport! (Granted, coaching it competitively, I'm a bit biased, but it's REALLY a good sport!) Plus, they look so cute in leotards :D