At the yard sale this morning we had Sydaleigh put her paci on the table to 'sell', telling her that,"you're too big for a paci now, so lets sell it to another boy or girl so they can have it."
It was Isaak's idea.
I never would have thought to do that on my own because I keep putting this off...there's a part of me that doesn't really care if she still takes a paci to sleep at night. She's had it since she was a baby, and if she doesn't use it anymore than she will be even further from being a baby, and that's a hard concept for me!!
But no looking back now.
We 'sold' it.
We gave her $1 for it and said she could buy something special at the store.
She took her nap without it.
So it looks like it's the end of the road for her paci days.
too easy!?
Good Idea we do Paci Farries, when Kam turned three the paci farries came and carried it away and left a gift.. : )
What a great idea! I love that she wanted sell it!! She is her mother's own, garage seller, and buyer through and through! We were excited to have a yard sale this year too, it was too much fun getting money for your old stuff! We sure miss you guys, LOVE THE POSTS keep them coming!!
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