Come on in...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Ugh-why did I stay up so late last night?
I knew it would haunt me today, and of course it is.
And of course, because I got a minimal amount of sleep last night, Marvelly would wake up extra early and refuse to take a nap this afternoon.
Of course.
And, on top of that, Isaak is working 14's this week for phase 2 of the ORE going on so he won't be home until after the girls go to bed, which means no extra help.
But, it is because of all of this I am thankful.
At least my husband is coming home tonight.
At least my girls will see their Daddy on the weekend.
I have a lot of girlfriends right now who can't say that.
I have a lot of girlfriends right now who are doing life alone, husband and daddy are overseas.
Help doesn't come home at 5:00pm.
Help isn't home on the weekends.
No one to lay with on the couch after the kids go to bed.
No one to lock up and turn the lights off when you're too sleepy to get up.
No one to share the simple things with.
No one to share the hard things with.

So, I'm thankful for some much needed perspective today.
I may be tired, but not as tired as I could be....

"Lord, be with my girlfriends who are doing life solo right now. May you sustain them and be their source of encouragement. Help them tackle each day one at a time. Let them not feel overwhelmed in their present circumstances. Draw them close to you in times of loneliness, be their source of energy during moments of fatigue, help them to feel your limitless patience when morning calls too early and night slips by too fast. Remind them of your promises throughout each Jesus' name...amen."


Kris said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

a little tear coming down there! sniff, sniff...but thanks, love ya, girl!