I can finally say with confidence that Spring has arrived.
I'm pretty sure we're safely out of the woods in the snow department until October.
The rain finally has that "spring in the air" scent, rather than "I'm gonna freeze to try and kill you when you drive" scent of winter.
The grass turned green in what seemed like overnight.
Isaak got the first real mow in of the season.
The lawn looks beautiful.
The girls are wearing shorts.
There are dandelions popping up all over the place-much to the delight of Syd and Marvi.
My "annuals" have made a come back which means I won't have to buy new flowers.
I'm thinking spring is my favorite season...
everything is new, fresh, cool but not cold, warm but not overly hot, both shorts and jeans acceptable, you can play outside without worrying about heat stroke, and I'm not being overrun with bugs yet.
I do love me a good Spring.
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