Come on in...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Paci no more

At the yard sale this morning we had Sydaleigh put her paci on the table to 'sell', telling her that,"you're too big for a paci now, so lets sell it to another boy or girl so they can have it."

It was Isaak's idea.

I never would have thought to do that on my own because I keep putting this off...there's a part of me that doesn't really care if she still takes a paci to sleep at night. She's had it since she was a baby, and if she doesn't use it anymore than she will be even further from being a baby, and that's a hard concept for me!!

But no looking back now.
We 'sold' it.
We gave her $1 for it and said she could buy something special at the store.
She took her nap without it.
So it looks like it's the end of the road for her paci days.

Not too shabby for a morning's "work"

We had our first ever yard sale this morning and we made out pretty good if I do say so myself.
We struck gold with $115-not too shabby for sitting in the grass all morning letting people sift through old stuff you would have otherwise taken to the GoodWill.
I had to part with my most beloved swing, that Isaak covertly took out of the garage and tried to sell to a pregnant co-worker, while I was in the house for 5 minutes. (seriously, I took a five minute break and Isaak swoops in and tries selling everything, even the stuff I wanted to keep.)

Good morning. Off to Mahoney tonight to continue the goodness....

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Phases of my 15 month old

We have the "everything is a game" phase, which means everything I tell her to do she does the opposite because it is funny, and it's a game.

The "play with our food" phase, which is why she is no longer allowed to manually use a fork, spoon, or have a plate or bowl in front of her. It all gets dumped out, thrown on the floor, or spit back out of her mouth, to be reexamined, and then put back in to eat.

The cute "No" phase. She has her 'yes' and 'no' mixed up so everything comes out as a "No!", with her head shaking back and forth very happily and emphatically.

The "steal everything from my sister" phase, which results in lots of yelling from Sydaleigh, and lots of whining from Marvelly when Sydaleigh takes it back. (and then proceeds to push her for extra emphasis)

The "read me only half a book" phase. She is super into reading, but only half a book at a time. We'll read half, she'll stand up, I'll put the book down, she'll pick the same book back up, sit back down, and want me to re-read her the same half the book, every twenty seconds or so.

The "put everything in my mouth" phase, because dirt and rocks and mud are apparently the new candy, cookies, and chocolate.

The "climb on everything" phase. And by everything I mean everything-chairs, slides, boxes, stools, tables..the higher the better to ensure that she gives me a heart attack no less than a dozen times a day. She keeps going back because I tell her "No", which means "yes" because of her "no" phase, and then laughs because of her "everything is a game" phase.

And in news not phase related Marvelly can say 11 words now (and variations of a few others)...
"Hi!, wow, whoa, yeah, cat, No!, Da da, Ma ma, up, more (plus signing it), and Yay!,

2 more teeth have finally come in on top bringing her teeth count to SIX and she knows her belly, feet, head, eyes, teeth, and nose (maybe more body parts but those are her favorite right now)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Ugh-why did I stay up so late last night?
I knew it would haunt me today, and of course it is.
And of course, because I got a minimal amount of sleep last night, Marvelly would wake up extra early and refuse to take a nap this afternoon.
Of course.
And, on top of that, Isaak is working 14's this week for phase 2 of the ORE going on so he won't be home until after the girls go to bed, which means no extra help.
But, it is because of all of this I am thankful.
At least my husband is coming home tonight.
At least my girls will see their Daddy on the weekend.
I have a lot of girlfriends right now who can't say that.
I have a lot of girlfriends right now who are doing life alone, husband and daddy are overseas.
Help doesn't come home at 5:00pm.
Help isn't home on the weekends.
No one to lay with on the couch after the kids go to bed.
No one to lock up and turn the lights off when you're too sleepy to get up.
No one to share the simple things with.
No one to share the hard things with.

So, I'm thankful for some much needed perspective today.
I may be tired, but not as tired as I could be....

"Lord, be with my girlfriends who are doing life solo right now. May you sustain them and be their source of encouragement. Help them tackle each day one at a time. Let them not feel overwhelmed in their present circumstances. Draw them close to you in times of loneliness, be their source of energy during moments of fatigue, help them to feel your limitless patience when morning calls too early and night slips by too fast. Remind them of your promises throughout each Jesus' name...amen."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Weekend ReCAP!

Four day weekends are GRAND! We love them around here. We didn't do anything extravagant; we contemplated going camping, traveling up to Chicago, but in the end decided to stay home and just piddle around town, which we did-at it was great.

we hit up the zoo in the morning, not expecting a huge crowd since most people are still in work...ha ha, we were wrong! It was MAD.ness! To avoid the crowds we hit up some exhibits we don't normally see like the petting zoo (where Marvelly got rammed by a baby goat), the aviary (where no birds were out), the aquarium (which we actually always go to but wasn't crowded), and the bears.
And then we grilled out in the evening.
Simple, but fun.

Isaak went fishing with a buddy bright and early in the morning and caught himself a little fishy.
He had fun, which has now sparked another hobby no doubt.

As soon as Isaak got home we headed to Plattsmouth for lunch.
And I must say that is the cutest little country town ever!
Not all of it, but their historic Main St. was right out of a movie. We stumbled upon an old soda fountain shop and ate lunch, all four of us, plus dessert for $28.
28 bucks, seriously, all four of can't feed your whole family and have dessert at a restaraunt these days (Burger King excluded) for 28 bucks. People would walk up to the counter and say things like, "not a lot of cars on Main St. today," and "see ya tomorrow
Bob, "and,"looks like business is busy today Sue,"....
I felt like singing, "Sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name"

It's like we stepped back in time. I love finding little treasures like this place.

after lunch we strolled Main St. and went to a used book store and a little antique store. Girls were done by that point so we headed back, got good naps, and then played in the sprinklers...

matchy bathing suits

weather was perfect,
it was suppose to rain all weekend, but uh-uh everyday was like this instead

testing out the cold water

making sure my girls get good use out of those suits

she finally has a sister to do stuff like this with-love that.

deciding she'd rather chew on a racket than get thrown in the cold water again

turned the sprinkler on high once Marvelly had enough and Sydaleigh just ran
through that water. Last summer she wouldn't go near the water if it was too high,
now she loves it.

all done for the day.

simple, but fun.

we made smores in the pit and put up the girls fun tents in the back yard
and pretended to camp. (Isaak doesn't do real camping)

marshmallowy mashmallows make for a messy Marvelly

that would be Marvelly, standing on the slide, mimicking Sydaleigh. We are in a big 'lets stand on everything' phase.

I hit up the gym in the morning-ahhhh, started my day off right.
Then Isaak took Sydaleigh for a special fishing trip, just the two of them. She was so excited to go, that's all she would talk about for two days. Me and Marvi stayed home and hung out, so we both got some separate time in with the girls. And that was it. Isaak cooked dinner for me that night so I scored pretty well in the 'not having to cook a whole lot this holiday weekend' which was fine by me.

and now we are back to norm, Isaak is working long hours this week for an exercise, but it's still only a four day work week, thanks to our four day weekend. Nice.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dear cotton tree house....

Ya know the cotton tree in your back yard that is blanketing the entire neighborhood in little fluffy pieces of white?....
Could use please keep your cotton to yourself????
It's making my eyes itch, and littering my lawn.
Thanks so much.
your neighbor that hates your cotton tree.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Eww, eww, and ewwwwww

I ran upstairs for TWO minutes after semi-changing Marvelly's poopy butt, to grab a diaper from her bedroom. I peek my head in Sydaleigh's room to see that she' still sleeping and walk back downstairs to finish dressing Marvelly.

I find her behind the couch, next to the wall, standing on a top to her box of blocks, surrounded by a strange looking something.

"Hmmm, what is that?"

Already knowing the answer to that question I approach Marvelly and blurt out to Isaak,

"ISAAK! Did Marvelly poop all over the floor!?"

(again, already knowing the answer to that question, I still somehow felt the need to ask Isaak)

"What???" was his response. (He was in his nothing box)

In the two minutes I was upstairs obtaining a diaper for my child who just pooped, she decided to poop again, with no diaper on, all over the carpet.

Her feet, the chair, the cable cord, the box top, and the carpet...all covered in poo.

Lots and lots of poo.

And she was mashing it into the carpet.


She was apparently just as disgusted by the whole incident as I was, which prompted her to try and rub the poo off on everything in a two foot radius of her....

...which was why all the above were coated in poo.

I just spot cleaned the entire downstairs carpet three days ago! Nice.

But, I couldn't very well be mad at Marvelly, it wasn't her fault she didn't have a diaper on...I couldn't be mad at Isaak, he didn't know she was going to continue pooping after just being I just sat, and brooded to myself, and cleaned the mashed poop out of my freshly cleaned carpets.

I've noticed that poo stories seem to be the dominant theme in my kids childhoods so far...
...wonder when they won't be anymore????.....

All I have left to say is that having kids has turned me into an exceptional carpet cleaner over the years, and I'm really glad that I blog because I know these stories are gonna come in handy some day.....(he he he he he)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Can I have a tissue please?"

Sydaleigh had her final day of gymnastics this morning and I got to sit in and watch her do all the little tricks she's learned over these past two months. At then end of class all the kids did a routine to some music and then her teacher handed them a 1st place ribbon.

Oh my gosh-I was totally fine until she got that ribbon!

I was actually having to hide my face because I was crying!!!
Over a ribbon!
A ribbon!

In my defense it was her very first ribbon and her very first "recital" of sorts, and I just couldn't help myself. Seriously, if I'm crying over ribbons and gymnastics recitals, there is no hope for me to be able to hold myself together when she accomplishes bigger things.

Sydaleigh walking the little balancing bean, attempting to do a kart wheel,

and doing some sort of a "Ta-Da!" She is finally able to do a somersault, which was a joy to see. Girl could never get enough momentum to roll all the way gymnastics paid off!

We are continuing lessons through the summer with a mini 6 week course, so she doesn't lose steam, and then again in the Fall.

my little gymnast.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A 'fantabulous' weekend

Our main squeeze celebrated his 27th birthday on Friday
(it was actually Saturday but we celebrated early)
I pulled out the stops for Isaak's birthday this year, yup, he totally got hooked up, because he's worth it, and I love him enough to suffer for him once in a while, so I decided to......

mow the lawn!

That's right, I mowed the lawn for my man-for the first time in SIX years.
Six years!
( I'm so proud of myself it's ridiculous)
It took me about ten tries to finally get the thing started, and I contemplated quitting half way through my back yard which is not 'mow' friendly by any means, but I pushed on, literally, so Isaak wouldn't have to suffer doing this heinous choir for at least one weekend.

(I was too tired to push the mower back up our hill, so I just left it down there when I finished.
It's still there. I'm not touching that thing for another year.)

No, this was not his only gift, I bought him a juicy steak and marinaded it for him to use on his new (new to us) grill (thank you Kara and Michael-Isaak LUVS it!)

I got him some new tools to use on his grill, but they didn't make it in yet, so all he got was a picture. After dinner Isaak enjoyed a flourless chocolate cake (that me and Sydaleigh made together) with ice cream and strawberries, drizzled with warm was sooooooo good-Isaak's current favorite dessert.

Saturday was great too-we headed downtown to the Farmer's Market (wasn't great),
but we can at least say we went and checked it out.

We're going to try a more local farmer's market right down the street from our house this weekend and see if we fare any better. Then we headed to the park and hit up a garage sale on the way home (found the slide I've been looking for plus a super cheap crock pot, totally random, but that's what's great about garage sales!)

Loved Sunday. Church, ice cream, the usual. Nothing super noteworthy,
just pleasant and peaceful.
The weather was amazing, we played outside for an endless amount of time soaking it all up.

It was a fantabulous weekend.
(that's a new word, I just made it up, a mix of fantastic and fabulous-because I'm cool like that, I can make up my own words, and since it was such a great weekend I think it called for a new word to describe how fantabulous it was) :)

my fantabulous family

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sure, why not....
I'm having a hard time thinking past those three words at the moment....
oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!!!!!!

The Portrait Project has some cool stuff coming up here soon...
I was asked to photograph a foster girl who just found out, last minute, that she is graduating from high school, and she needs senior portraits. This is through CASA, (Court Appointed Special Advocate) the organization we hooked up with last year to donate all the dresses we collected to. While meeting with them we told them about the Portrait Project and they were super stoked at the idea of providing portraits to their graduating foster kids, who wouldn't otherwise have the means to get them.
So that's coming up, and I can't wait!

Next, in June, less than four weeks away, the Portrait Project is going to Royal Family Kid's Camp, a summer camp for abused, neglected and abandoned children in the foster care system. I will be photographing 48 kids between the ages of 7-11 years old, they'll be all fancied up for their special 'birthday dance'.
Again, I can't wait!'s the thing, I have approximately 1-2 minutes to photograph each child, because time is super limited, AND I need to have all the photos edited and printed two days later.......that is where the ,"oh my gosh!" is coming from....

yeah, oh my gosh indeed.

I'm not scared, or flustered, or doubting whether this is in fact a possible feat....I know this can be done. God keeps piling up the plate and I have no doubt He'll be there helping me devour it...

I'm just kind of stuck at

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The darlings

My new "it" place

Found this great new park when I was yard sale(ing) last week and I LUV it!
Parks and playgrounds are always kind of 'iffy' with me- it can't be too far, the equipment can't be too big, I have to have somewhere to sit, the list goes on and on, but this park meets all my criteria plus some!
(I can't believe I actually have park criteria)
This park is right down the street from my house, it has just enough shade, massive wide open fields to run, hills to roll down, pavilion to keep cool under, picnic tables to eat at, two (actually kid friendly) playgrounds to play at, a tire swing, and a tree for climbing.
I found you at last!
Where have you been the last two years!
I have been trudging my kids back and forth all over town to mediocre playgrounds at best, and there you were, just a few miles down the road from me the whole time.
My enthusiasm may sound silly, but this is serious business! You don't find good playgrounds on every corner.
This is totally our new place.
It's a good bet if we're not home, we're at our new park, playin' it up!!