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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Poor baby

Marvelly is sick.

Poor little munchkin has been fighting a fever all day, and will most likely be fighting it all night as well.

Me + Marvelly + fevers= paranoid momma.

And her fever has been a high one, up to 103 degrees, and only hovering a wee bit below that even with meds. Which then makes me hover. A lot. I caught myself just standing over her, watching her, for a loooong time this afternoon while she slept on the couch. I couldn't pull myself away, and when I did it was never far, like as far as the dining room, and in my house that is all of like 6 steps, maybe 5. :)

Praying her body kicks this thing in the bud tonight.

I hate seeing her like this

That would be a cooling gel on her forehead, and frozen peas on her feet. I don't take chances with fevers anymore.


Georgia said...

did you ever think in your wildest dreams mother hood would be like this??? praying she gets better real soon. love ya

D'Ache' said...

Don't forget you can alternate between children's Tylenol & Motrin. Hope she feels better! :)