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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fall and ramblings

When I think of Autumn, this, to me is what it should be. It's my favorite kind of fall. Crisp in the morning, warm enough in the afternoon to go outside without a jacket, and then crispy again when the sun goes down. 

This is our fourth fall in Nebraska and the first time since we've lived here that's it's been this nice. It hasn't rained in over a week, maybe two, so the ground is nice and dry. It's slowly starting to get blanketed with leaves from our tree. Although, most are being blown into our neighbors yard at the moment, who don't have a it's only fair. :)

The wind has been tolerable, actually, down right pleasant. Which is usually never the case around here. We have horrible bone chilling wind in Nebraska starting in the fall. It's really always windy, but in the summer who cares. It's when it starts to get cold that you don't want to go outside with an inch of skin showing or it will be chapped within 10 seconds of exposure. But, the wind has been slow, and mild, and bearable, and I like it. It helps that the sun has been free to shine without interruption from the clouds for over a week as well. Everyday, a beautiful cloudless sky, bright sun, mild wind, moderate temperatures. I'm taking it all in. Grateful every day for the pleasantness of it all. I'm not expecting it to last, so I'll take it as long as we have it for. 

We bought our first pumpkin of the season on Sunday. Isaak had carving duties and the girls had painting duties. Isaak loves pumpkin seeds, really seeds in general. So he carefully pulled out all the seeds, separated them from the goo, and then baked them in the oven till the whole house smelled all warm and pumpkin like. We got Sydaleigh to reach into the gooey hollow pumpkin one time, and that was it. Marvelly wasn't about to stick her hand in there at all. She will touch any spider within her reach, but pumpkin goo, nope.

We had a five minute picnic last night. Sydaleigh picked the side of the house to set up our picnic, but within a few minutes we all headed back indoors. Because the weather is crispy in the mornings and evenings, but warmer in the afternoon, the poor bugs can't decided whether to come or go. So, we are having mosquitoes issues right now. Oddly enough. They're likey trying to get their fill before the weather gets serious and they get dead. And within a couple minutes of eating we were getting swarmed by them. But I'm wondering where all our ladybugs are? We still have mosquitoes, but no ladybugs, and this time of year we're normally covered head to toe in them. I hope they come soon, they're actually a bug I like.

I also made homemade rolls for the first time last night. Fall is the best time to bake. I like to bake year round, but, still, something about the crisp fall air just begs to filled with the fragrant smells of baking goodness. This roll recipe is a keeper; semi crispy outside and delectably soft on the inside. Total yumminess. And easy too.

2 1/4 tsp. yeast
1/4 C. warm water

1 egg (beaten)
2 Tbls. sugar
3/4 tsp. salt

1 C. milk
3 Tbls. butter
3 C. flour

whisk yeast in warm water until dissolved. heat milk and butter in microwave bowl for 1 minute. while milk/ butter is warming....whisk egg, sugar, and salt into yeast. whisk in 1 C. flour and milk/butter. switch to spatula and stir in 2nd C. flour. Add 3rd C. flour. dough will be wet and sticky but pulled away from sides of bowl. Lightly flour a counter surface and knead dough for 6-7 minutes. Add flour ever so slightly if it sticks to hand or counter. pour 1/2 tsp oil into bowl and coat dough in it. cover and let sit for ~1hr. or until doubled in size. punch down dough and spread onto counter. cut into 12-15 pieces and roll into a ball. place on cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until golden.

I found this recipe in a tutorial online, and I was writing down the recipe as they spoke, so there is no written online recipe for me to easily link to, which is why I wrote it out. I better write it down in my recipe book book before the scrap paper I wrote it on disappears, as tends to happen quite a bit.

I can't believe it's October. Just five super short weeks until we head to the east coast where pure goodness awaits us. Mimi, the coast, more Mimi, more of the coast, NYC, D.C., friends, family galore, the beach, sky scrapers, hotels...ahhh. So much. My heart is very full right now. October is a very full month for us which is why it's going to fly by. Every weekend and weekday is packed. We have birthday's, baby showers, dining out's, fundraisers, 10th wedding anniversary, field trip, school and the array of other little odds and ends that fill up our days and nights. I just hope that when November gets here October didn't go by so fast that I'm not prepared to leave.

God is good. And He has blessed my life. Even in the hard days, and moments where I feel overwhelmed and burdened, I am so aware of His goodness.

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