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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sydaleigh and Marvelly to the rescue!

Sunday evening I was in the kitchen baking cookies and I peak into the living room and see Marvelly and Sydaleigh running wildly with their capes, Sydaleigh had my elastic headband (being used as an arrow)...pretending to be superheros.

Ummm, my girls have played A LOT of things...but superheros has never been one of 'em. I didn't even know they knew what that was! And since we don't have boys I'm scrambling to remember where they would even pick up on this whole superhero business. We have no superheroes in the house.  We have no superhero movies (that they can watch anyways.)


But weirder than knowing about superheros in a non superhero doting that they actually knew how to play it. Sydaleigh kept saying, "superheros to the rescue!" and then running around swinging her cape back and forth.


I had this quirky amused perplexed look on my face as I watched them. I had to quickly excuse myself because I didn't want my laughter or questions to interrupt their games. 

Anyways. I go back into the kitchen chuckling to myself with their antics, thinking about how funny boys are when they do stuff like this...and then Sydaleigh calls to me, "Mom, can I wear my boots?"


Her and Marvelly go and put their rain boots on, and then they look themselves over and quickly conclude that something is still missing and throw on their rain coats as well. Flip up the hood. Straighten out the cape again and they're off.

And that's it right there.

A boy will be content to play superheros in just his undies and cape, but a girl....mmm mmmm....not a girl. She's gonna need a whole superhero ensemble. Okay? She's gotta have boots. A coat. A hat. Her cape. She can't be runnin' around in just her undies. A girl has got to work herself up a whole outfit!

And that's just what they did.

And then they were ready to fight some bad guys. Once we got the outfit taken care of. A fierce battle quickly ensued.....
 Sydaleigh hid, preparing for a sneak attack......
"Ah ha! Gotcha! Put your hands where I can see them!"
 "Baaahhh! Run!!!
 They fought doubt the time spent prepping their outfits only aided them in their arduous battle.
 Eventually my superhero sporting girls did subdue the villain...with Marvelly being a trusty sidekick who risked life and limb running out of her "hiding" spot under the arm of the couch to collect Nerf darts for Sydaleigh.

Never a dull moment. :~)


Beccy said...

Ummm...they have played at my house recently. We have lots of superheros, capes and battles despite never having watched any movies or cartoons about them. Your girls definitely do it with a lot more style!!!!

Georgia said...

sydaleigh looks like she's from biafra, she's so skinny! and marvelly looks even shorter standing next to her! love ya!

Isaak said...

I have no idea where Biafra is, but they might have picked this stuff up from the incredibles.

D'Ache' said...

That's awesome!