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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lots of random randomness

We currently have ONE roll of toilet paper left in the house.


And not even a full one. Like, half a roll. So people round here better be frugal.

And, on top of having a half a remaining roll of toilet paper, we ran out of our dishwasher detergent last week so I have been washing dishes the good ole fashioned way.

By hand. *gasp*

Which begs the question....why don't I go to the store and buy some more?

Because, frankly, I'm lazy! That's not really why. Mostly....I'm trying to cut back on my blessed Target trips to once a week. Or more like every two weeks. Because I know that I have zero restraint and if I see something on sale I will be lured into purchasing it.

Against my will!

Clearance doesn't take no for an answer.

So, in an attempt to cut down on trips, plus I'm fed up with our dishwasher not washing the dishes. So I am washing our dishes by hand. And, well, I actually really need to go to the store and get some toilet paper. We ain't washing that by hand. :~)

Bubbles are a favorite summer past time round here. I just love bubbles.

There is something about them that brings me contentment, watching my kids chase them down and seeing them float in the sky until they disappear. It's like watching fish. And even though I have a strong dislike for fish as pets, watching them is very soothing. So are bubbles.

I was talking to Bekah last night and she was beginning to discuss with me some Jews for Jesus she was talking to, and I was like, "what is their official title again....Jesuits?"

"Um, no Missy. That's like a whole 'nother religion. Jesuits are a part of the Catholic Church."

"Ohhhh...right...I knew that."


Sometimes the things I say even surprise myself. That's like right up there with, "how come we have so many leaves in our yard and our neighbors don't have any?!"

"Because we have trees honey."

*look around perplexed*

"Oh yeah." (in all fairness I was like 11 or 12 when I said that and apparently at that age I was expected to be smart enough to make that observation. Well apparently not.)

Clearly people overestimate me. :~)

-Ahhhh, nothin' beats lounging in a two man pool, in your clothes, in 105 degrees. Speaking of which, I think the girls are a wee bit big for that pool. Probably time to upgrade to something they actually fit in.

 And bathing suits are so overrated. Clothes are the new swim suit this year. And even though Sydaleigh is do for a new suit, because she grows like a weed in freshly laid mulch...I can probably get away without buying one till next year. :~) Well, I could if it wasn't for Isaak.
(good thing we have Isaak, because he's all like, "She needs a new bathing suit! She barely squeezes into that one anymore!" So I did go buy her a new one. Otherwise I would have been like, "It's fine! She still has one butt cheek in there. We can wait!" They wear their clothes most of the time anyways, and I'm not a mom that cares if they clothes swim.)

-I have an ever increasing summer reading list. I think I set my sights too high...there's no way I'm going to get through them all.

Right now I'm reading The Pursuit of God by Tozer. Which is absolutely fantastic. 70 pages. Which I thought "oh good, 70 pages is nothing, I'll read that in two days." Yeah. No. It's so rich I'm only on chapter 4 after a month. But I'm loving it. A MUST read. Absolutely fantastic.

I'm slowly reading A Thorn in My Heart by Liz. C. Higgs. Fiction. Late 1700's. Ireland. Very good so far...but I'm still in the early stages and haven't fully committed myself to loving it yet.

I'm tempted to go back and reread Hunger Games for a third time. Because I love them too much.

I'm picking up and putting down Prayer by Philip Yancey. Very good and I love him. But this book is more of a nibbler. I like to pick it up and read a little at a time. Set it down. I think it will take me a while to get through it all.

I've also been reading through Heaven by Randy Alcorn for the past three months. And not because it's bad or slow. This is actually one of the greatest books I've ever read. EVER. I can't say enough good things about it. Another MUST read.

Other need to read books this summer....
Night by Elie Wiesel (memoir of his Holocaust survival),  
Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Deibler Rose (biography of her time as a missionary during WWII and years spent in a Japanese prison camp). 
Secret Thoughts of an Adoptive Mother-Jana Wolff  
Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Parents Knew by Sherrie Eldridge
Matched by Alie Condie (dystopian society)
Freddy and Fredericka by Mark Helprin (new recommendation) 

I think I bit off more than I can chew in the reading department....Those will probably last me through the year. 

But seen as how Sydaleigh is going off to school come August, I expect "quiet" times to be a whole lot quieter around here...and I may actually get some reading in after all. 

Enough with the random randomness....I have got to get to the store. There is going to be a riot if I don't buy some toilet paper.

1 comment:

D'Ache' said...

LOve the girls in the pool!!!!!