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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

No heat curls baby!

I watched this you tube tutorial on how to create curls with no heat. And it totally worked!

Easy peesy. No fret. SO simple and genius. And no heat. Which makes me love it that much more.

I do have to say that I was so excited to try this that I went a wee bit overboard and tucked back like WAY to many sections of hair, as seen below. And the result was a kinda weird spastic gnarly bunch of curls....but curl it did! Oh yes it did! And the updo to get the curls I think I loved as much as the results itself...maybe more since my curls were spastic. But I'd do this again just for an updo that's not a pony tail.
Here's before I went to bed in it.
 The next morning. Still in. Again, I went a little too far and kept it in until way late in the afternoon, because I really wanted the curls to stay in...(I know now I don't have to worry about that). So I pinned the back up in two spots, went to the park, played hard with the girls and it stayed in great. A little too great. I really hard to work that hair to get the band out. Again, me, overboard. :~)
 The results were a bit too much, I need to scale back next time. But, see...tight curls...lots of 'em.
 That night when I was getting ready to go out I combed out the curls a bit with a comb
(I still busted out a 1in. curling iron just to tame the spasticness a bit, but just on the top hair...I didn't touch the bottom hair.) And I had a full head of curls. Easy peesy.

I'm totally using this with the girls. Anything I can do to keep heat away from their pretty undamaged hair as long as I can the better!

Up next for me to try....the sock bun.


Georgia said...

love it - will have to try. keep me posted about the sock bun - whatever that is! girls look loverlly!!

Holly said...

oh my word.
that was a LOT of sections!!!!! ;-)

looked good though!