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Thursday, July 14, 2011

A new sport.

I didn't sign the girls up for any sports this summer because....

-1) I wanted a really flexible summer with no strict schedules to adhere to. And
-2) We made up our own summer sport that rivals that of soccer or baseball, or t-ball, or whatever else kids play at this age.

introducing.... 'Swat That Fly'

*a very competitive game consisting of running, screaming, hunting, swatting, and sportsmanship. *
It's a team sport. And while we did keep score (because we're ultra competitive like that).....
Sydaleigh 6
Marvelly 1's a great sport that stresses the importance of team work and turn taking (plus I get rid of all those pesky flies).

This sport has it all.  It very well could be Olympic worthy. I mean, I'm just sayin'... if Curling can actually be considered an Olympic sport, I don't see why Swat That Fly can't be. It requires a lot more skills and physical exertion than curling. Curling is nothing more than shuffleboard on ice. Swat That Fly is so much more. And it helps control the fly population too.

I can definitely see this as the next up and coming sport.

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