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Monday, August 23, 2010

Pesky little buggers

Our squirrels...are nuts. And by "our" I don't mean our, at least, I wish I didn't mean our. They weren't ours until Isaak decided to take a liking to those little critters two years ago when he went and felt all sorry for them, thinking they were hungry one day.

Hungry? Okay... here's the thing....squirrels are never hungry!


You don't have to feel bad for them! They eat. They find food. And judging by the plump underneath that fur of theirs, I say they eat better than we do.

But no. We (and really I only mean Isaak) had to go and feel bad for them a little pedestal in the tree to sit and eat the plethora of corn we (Isaak again) went and bought them. Every day we (he) would restock their corn supply, never wanting it to get low, so they wouldn't have to go without. Ahhh, gotta make our squirrel friends happy.

Fast forward two years...and we have a squirrel size hole in the top of our plastic garbage can. Garbage on the grass. Squirrels playing house in the garage. Squirrels waiting by our front door, our back door. Chasing off the birds we do like. Driving my cats nuts.

Whoops, rewind a second... I went too far....did I said we have a nice squirrel size hole in our garbage can? Oh yeah. We do. Because apparently squirrels eat plastic. Hard plastic. (what is it with us and animal plastic eaters) And, it seems to me that if squirrels eat plastic, there isn't really a need for us to keep feeding them, clearly they will eat whatever they have to to survive.

Darn squirrels. They're crafty little buggers. They can even hang upside like a freaky bat to steal the birds food.

And we (he) feel sorry for them why?

Don't feel sorry for the squirrels. Don't! They will eat your garbage can!


Holly said...

and then America's First (or whatever they are) will make you scrub those trash cans clean when you move...which you can usually get an awesome neighbor to do for you, but still....the irony doesn't end at the squirrels!

D'Ache' said...

And don't forget they eat your pumpkins too. We bought a metal tractor to put the corn cobs on. It looked like they were driving a tractor while they ate the corn.

Bekah Boo said...

I love Isaak.
How ridiculous, though. For real...Its time to get out the BB gun and teach em a lesson!

Georgia said...

did rebekah mean teach isaak a lesson w/ that bebe gun or the squirrels??? just kidding! we know she meant isaak (ju-u-u-u-u-u-st kidding). maybe the plastic eating animals are attracted to you by some 7th sense scientists have not yet discovered. love ya.