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Monday, August 23, 2010

A good cat

I can't believe I'm saying this out loud...but, Chief really is a good cat. (wow, that was not easy to admit). Now, don't get me wrong, he is trouble, loads of trouble, and there are a good many days when I want to strangle him, but then there are these moments when I remember why we keep him around. Because he is as loyal as they come. And under neath his terrifying ferocious manner, he is a little snuggle bug. And the girls just flippin' love him. :)

But when he wrecks havoc (like eating plastic which makes him poop, pee and puke all over my floors)....I started getting some payback. I let Sydaleigh walk him around on a leash till she's good and tired, which is never, because she's 4, and thinks "walking" a cat is the next best thing to walking a dog.


Tera said...

Very inventive, Never heard of anyone walking a cat before! Your daughters are getting crazy BIG! Make them STOP!! Time sure flies when you are having fun! Hope you are doing well!

Georgia said...

good idea! gosh, they're so beautiful!

D'Ache' said...

Any more missing keyboard keys? Sgt. Tibbs is they same way. I love how is leash is pink! :)

Bekah Boo said...

I can't believe you put him on a lesh and let Syd take him around.

laughing SO hard right now!!