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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In the "pool"

It's been just over three weeks since we turned in the last of our paperwork and profile to The Nebraska Children's Home for approve and to officially finalize our home study. We were told by our case worker to expect a call from him within the week letting us know it had been approved....

the week went call.

another week went by...still no word.

We then receive an email saying the director had been out of town and unable to review our paperwork. Keep waiting.....

a third week went by...still no word that it had been finalized yet.

Isaak asks me this past weekend if I had heard from our c.w. and I told him just to call up there and check on the status of it...

He did, but forgot to tell me...

he remembered this morning over breakfast when he says,

"oh yeah, I talked to "D", our paperwork was approved and finalized. We are already in the "pool". He said to expect a paper this week formally telling us."

My heart smiled way down deep. We are in the "pool".

And then this afternoon our letter arrived. My heart smiled way down deep again just seeing it in my hands.

We could be in the "pool" for a long time, or a short time, who knows...but my family is there, waiting for the right set of eyes to see us.


Holly said...

let's go swimming!!!!!!!!!!!!

Georgia said...

i wonder if they're blue?

Anonymous said...

I can feel it! Your baby is out there right now!