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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tech Sergeant Brooks

Isaak was promoted! Whoop woop!
After waiting a year from finding out he made Tech, he was finally able to sew on officially April 1st. We're so proud! This has been a long time coming and Isaak couldn't be happier.
Somehow Isaak convinced me to bring the girls to his promotion ceremony at the club. I must have split personalities because I actually agreed to take them, thinking it wouldn't be too bad.

Lesson learned. :)

(Here they are eating the suckers I brought that I was sure would last them the majority of the ceremony. Wrong. They chowed those suckers down before the opening prayer. )
In true Marvelly fashion she talked through the whole ceremony....loudly.

She made sure to tell me during the opening prayer (which was very long) that she didn't approve of the crackers I was trying to forcefully give her to keep her quiet,

"NOOOOO!! Not that one!" she said over and over and over again....making sure to disturb anyone who was hoping to have a quiet moment with God.

She then proceeded to tell me, as well as the rest of the audience, in her not whisper voice, the number of 'daddy's' up in the front,

"LOOK MOMMY, FREE DADDIES!!", over and over and over again.

The more I told her to whisper, the louder and louder she talked. Of course.
I tried to downplay the noise level thinking she wasn't being as loud as I was envisioning, maybe it was just my overly sensitive mommy ears, so after the ceremony I asked Isaak,

"So, honey, did you happen to hear Marvelly during the ceremony?"
"Which time, when she was talking about the crackers or counting the daddies?"

Ugh. Seriously, every other kid in that place was quiet as a mouse!
Why do my girls always have to be the noisy ones!

Even Sydaleigh, my four year old.....the one that knows how to sit quietly was momentarily possessed because she uncharacteristically kept blurping out,

"MOMMY, I NEED SOME WATER", over and over and over again...."ahhh, be quiet!!!!"

As soon as Isaak's name was called, we went up front, took our picture, and got the heck out of there!

I hope they remember seeing daddy promoted and going to a military function cause that will be the last one they see for a long time!

I love that Daddy is always Daddy, regardless of the uniform he wears. They'll cling to his legs and plead to be picked up, no matter what. He'll always be there Daddy first. :)


Kelly said...

Girlfriend, I totally feel you! I am already cringing on making it through Drew's redeployment (read coming home)ceremony! I laughed out loud so hard while reading this...

Beccy said...

Congratulations! Gotta love kids keeping you humble!