Come on in...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Won't be forgetting those again

Heading to Big Wheels and Butterflies...
extra diapers-check.
random other necessities-check.

Get inside the store...
look around for a bit up front while the girls hang out in the kiddie area.
Decide to head to the back to browse the toys and I take the girlies with me.

Uh-oh! Smells like somebody poo-pooed.
Of course Marvelly saved it till we got to the store...
but not to worry!
I came prepared for such a poo as this!

Head to the bathroom with both girls in tow.
Lay Marvelly on changing table.
Undress her.
Oooohhh, it's a bad one.
Thank goodness I came prepared.

Reach in my bag for a diaper.
Got it.
Reach in for the wipes....
hhmmm, they must be buried...
keep reaching....
dumping my bag out now...'ve got to be kidding?!
I KNOW I did not forget the wipes...

yup, I forgot the wipes...
GREAT! What am I gonna use now?!...
Find something quick the poo is escaping!!

Looky there, toilet paper, that ought to do the trick.
Shoot this is not working...
Okay, dry toilet paper does not do the trick!

My only other option is to wet the toilet paper to try and clean this up.
Oh great, now it's leaving little crumblies all her her tooshy.

100 wads of toilet paper later, wet crumblies everywhere, and little pieces of poo still attached in places- but at least she's clean enough to get home.

Try to secure all the paper inside the diaper.
Nope there's too much, it won't all fit.
Forced to put mass amounts of poopy toilet paper in their little garbage.
Lets get out of here!
Making a bee line for the door!!
Don't want to be around when the next poor unsuspecting soul goes in there next.

Never ever forget the wipes again!
You know your girls will poop!!
And it will be nasty.
Toilet paper will only make it worst.

Never EVER forget the wipes again!


Holly said...

there is no way you would have escaped motherhood without this badge - been there....twice...because I'm a slow learner ;-)

The Toronto Family said...

SOOOO funny!!!! (not that this happened) but this happeded to ME TODAY TOO!!!! hahaha, and I too an a slow learner because I have dome this before! I even though I had back up in the van.... but I learned today that I didn't!