Come on in...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Put me in Coach, I'm ready to play!

After nearly four years of saying...


"I'm not ready yet."

"Good idea but bad timing."

and my personal favorite...

"I'm not good enough."

I finally decided to say...


"I am ready!"

"Great idea and fantastic timing!"


"I am good enough!"

...and out of God's faithful persistence and my final acceptance and willingness to move...

The Portrait Project has been born.

Our Portrait Project has me going into local shelters and providing free portraits and the complimentary photos to families struggling with homelessness and poverty in an attempt to lift their spirits, bless them in an unexpected way, and share Christ's love with them one picture at a time.

Cool stuff. But God had even more in mind...

Once I worked up the courage to share this dream God began expanding it to use other peoples experiences and passions. So, in addition to providing free family portraits we will be providing free hair and make-up makeovers to all the families participating.

I contacted the director/CEO of the largest mission in Omaha, the Open Door Mission, and this outreach project was embraced and accepted with open arms.

So on March 7th, me and awesome team of other women, whom I recruited to work with me on this project, will be going to the Lydia House to bless and to love these families in a super cool way.

So, from one mom who was ready to get off the sidelines and start using the abilities, gifts, and passions that God gave me to make a kingdom difference-
to being a "do-er" of the word,
it's evidence that God can use anyone
at any place
at any time
doing anything.
All you have to do is let Him.


Anonymous said...

We are all blessed to have a friend like you that comes up with these great ideas. We all have our talents and it is important for us to share these gifts with others and I think this project is a great way to share yours! I will help you any way I can, as you know!

The Toronto Family said...

I would love to help out of you still need people just let me know.