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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Not going down with out a fight

The green bean has been the only vegetable Sydaleigh will eat for the past year and a half.

She hates vegetables, among most other foods, but when she finally ate the green bean that was the most glorious day ever!

We're talking cold, out of the can, didn't matter she loved them!

But tonight, ooooh tonight....she actually tried to stiff the green bean!

She said they were yucky, and then tried to do the 'hide them in her cheek' trick...


well I'm on to your game and I've got news for you...
you're gonna eat those green beans because they're the only veggie I've got to give you,

Pshhh, I. don't. think. so.

There's going to be no stiffing of the green beans for you in this house.

Ughh, she is the pickiest eater. (she must get that from Isaak :) )

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