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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Daddy-Daughter Dance 2009

Sydaleigh and Isaak went to their first daddy-daughter dance this weekend.
This event is put on by the base services every year and it's so popular tickets sell out within the first couple of days.
Both were super excited-Sydaleigh because she got to wear
a pretty dress. And Isaak because he just really likes doing these things!

Them two sure are cute.

she was so excited to be driving with friends she waited by the door and watched for them.

Some of Syd's best buds- all breaking it down together.

dinner, dessert, dancing, pictures, friends, games, take home prizes, and special time with Daddy made for one fun night!


Anonymous said...

I love that dress! SO cute! I will have to get tickets to this dance next year.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is so precious! What a good daddy :D And goodness, is she ever a beautiful girl!