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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just can't seem to escape this

We are enjoying a nice evening at TCBY for our Sunday ice cream.

We are all sitting down at a booth chowing down on some frozen yogurt when Isaak looks up at me and says very abruptly...
"What was that?"

...he lifts up his leg...

"What the???" he says...

and there, resting on his ankle, is a big ole globby of something that looks remarkably like poo.

"Eewww" I say letting a little giggle slip out.

I hold back my laugh and I bravely peek my head over to Marvelly sitting in her high chair and low and behold...

...a volcano erupted!!!!
her back, clothes, and the high chair were layered in poo!

I couldn't hold back the laughter (after all, I wasn't the one with poop droppings on me!)
Isaak didn't find this nearly as amusing.

But it got funnier.

I had no wipes on me. (seriously, I should know better by now)


I was not cleaning that.

Did I mention Isaak was not laughing.
(he he he)
He couldn't even pick her up so he just wheeled her, high chair and all, to the bathroom.

Buah ha ha ha hah ha ahhahahahahahahahahhahah!!!

after laughing amoungst myself while he hosed off our daughter, and their chair, I thought....
1) you'd think after being a year old (on Wednesday) this sort of thing would no longer be happening.

2) I should be able to leave the house for a 30 minute outing without needing extra wipes, diaper, change of clothes, ect.....because she's a year old.

3) what the heck am I gonna write about when I don't have poop stories to tell anymore?!

4)oh yeah, I'm sure they're give me something-they always do!


Kelly said...

HA! This makes me laugh!

Kayla loves her bouncer and yesterday she was bouncing away. I started to smell something a little funky. She was just smiling when I picked her up. Her back was a little squishy- uh oh! She had bounced that poo all over the place. It was seriously a biohazard. She also reached her little pudgy hand around and stuck it in the poo. So disgusting.

Kris said...

Thanks for the laugh! That was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha :D I hope Isaak doesn't mind a laugh at his expense, because I just had one :D

JoAnn said...