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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Three girls and a spider

We went outside this morning to eat our morning snack, as usual.
Marvelly was on my lap on the bench, and Sydaleigh was sitting at her little table and chairs. Next thing I know I look over at Sydaleigh and see this ENORMOUS spider crawling on her head in her hair (this didn't look like no daddy long legs either!)....AHHHHHH!
Uhhh, what do i do????!!!! What do I do????
I lay Marvelly down on the bench and tell Sydaleigh to stand very still....which of course alerted her that something was wrong.
She started freaking out.
I started freaking out.
The spider started freaking out and walking all over her.
Marvelly even started sympathy crying-she could sense we were being attacked by a spider.
Brrr. Gives me the heeby jeebies just thinking about it again.
It was truly terrible.
I tried flicking it off with my finger but it eventually fell off ( or jumped since it was probably just as scared by us).
We were both screaming like a bunch of girls and jumping around doing the, "get it off, get it off," dance.
I know I'm supposed to be the big strong not scared of anything Mom to my girls-but spiders don't count-sorry-that's what Daddy's are for.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

yay for blogspot friends! :D alie wants you to add her so she can see your blog! it's the same email that you already have. your lil one is getting big!