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Monday, July 28, 2008

So not my kid

It's no mystery that toddlers aren't the best eaters in the world, but Sydaleigh, she is especially picky. So picky in fact that she won't even eat McDonalds. I know, usually this thrills me, because that food is crap anyways. But when we're in a hurry or on the road and McDonalds is all there is, I don't care that their food is crap, I just want her to eat.
Well, drum roll please (bllllllllllllllllllllllll.......)
on our way out of town we stopped at McDonald's for dinner and this is all that remained of her cheeseburger. I was so thrilled and in awe I actually took a picture. Because this is so unlike her.
Um, that is like more than half gone. Then as she was eating her fries I asked her if she wanted a cookie, she said, ( and I quote) " No Mom, I'm still eating" !!!!!! Who are you!!!!!!????? Because you ain't Sydaleigh!!!! It was just one of those 'seriously?' moments that probably won't happen again until who knows when, and I just had to write it down.

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