Turns out- Marvelly is awake because she was allowed to take a hearty nap when I ran to the store for an hour to run some errands.
Which was right before bed.
Yup, allowed to take a nap before bed.
It's currently 10:40 and I'm still not sleeping because now Marvelly, and he who will remain nameless, are having a laugh fest downstairs.
Usually hearing Marvelly belly laugh brings me warm happy feelings-not so much the case at 10:45.
Why is the whole world against me???!!!!!!
( I tend to get really dramatic when I'm delirious from lack of sleep-don't mind me.)
I can't even laugh at this because I just had flash backs to my girls at this age and these exact scenarios...why do daddys do that to us!??? why do the babies do that to us!???
Okay so I know this is going to sound awful, but there comes a point where you know they are fed, you know they are changed, you know they are safe in their bed, and you CRASH!! Good luck!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!!! you always tell life as it REALLY is and I love it!!
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