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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So that explains it

Turns out- Marvelly is awake because she was allowed to take a hearty nap when I ran to the store for an hour to run some errands.
Which was right before bed.
Yup, allowed to take a nap before bed.
It's currently 10:40 and I'm still not sleeping because now Marvelly, and he who will remain nameless, are having a laugh fest downstairs.
Usually hearing Marvelly belly laugh brings me warm happy feelings-not so much the case at 10:45.
Why is the whole world against me???!!!!!!
( I tend to get really dramatic when I'm delirious from lack of sleep-don't mind me.)


Holly said...

I can't even laugh at this because I just had flash backs to my girls at this age and these exact scenarios...why do daddys do that to us!??? why do the babies do that to us!???

Tera said...

Okay so I know this is going to sound awful, but there comes a point where you know they are fed, you know they are changed, you know they are safe in their bed, and you CRASH!! Good luck!

The Toronto Family said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!!! you always tell life as it REALLY is and I love it!!