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Friday, June 13, 2008

cute factor is off the charts!

Just wanted to say that I love having two girls...
(even though some days they are giving away Oscars at our home for best dramatic performance (Marvelly included))'s worth it to get to dress them in matching outfits!
It's cheesy, but who cares! it's cute!
seen as how Marvelly doesn't stand I had to document their outfits sitting down, and yes, I know I'm lame documenting my girls first matching outfits.


Stephanie said...


Unknown said...

I'll take one of each please! :) ahhhhhhh I thought you couldn't get cuter than Syd...but Marvey girl is right up there! and I LOVE matching outfits...haha so sweet!

The Toronto Family said...

if I had girls I would match them too! I have with the boys a couple times, but Will hates it when I do, so I don't very often. They are so cute and I love all that hair! so much to play with! so cute!

Tera said...

It is still crazy to me how BIG Sydaleigh looks when pictured with Marvelly. Could you ever imagine your baby looking so grown up!! Very cute photos, we are big fans of matchy matchy outfits.