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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Beat this NEMO!

The fact that my yard floods every time it rains has always been a bit on the annoying side, but yesterday it came in very handy.
Sitting in my living room yesterday afternoon, I was trying to decide what to do next, as Nemo was quickly losing its appeal and we were all getting a bit stir crazy thanks to the rain.
So, as soon as the rain let up, I grabbed Syd's rain boots, jacket, and hat and we headed outside to play-in the puddles!
Before long we had some of our favorite friends over to join in the fun.
To say that we had fun would be an was an hour that will go down in my memory bank.
Watching the kids ( and adult) run, and play, and splash, and get completely drenched was quite a site to see...
so-thanks rain! You gave us one heck of an afternoon!


Stephanie said...

Looks so fun!!! Wish I had thought of that!

Tera said...

Tag your it!! Check out my blog and have fun playing!!