I don't want to say we're "done" because we still have to tackle the whole night time peeing thing. But, that will come. The older she gets the more control she will develop so I'm not even going to consider that part of her potty training.
But what I do consider part of her potty training-ya know, the moments when she is actually conscious...that part is going grrrrr-eat!! (Tony the Tiger over here)
She is peeing and pooping in the potty,
thank you very much...without prompting whatsoever! If she feels the need to go, she sits down, does her business, and tells me when she's done. I just have to leave the potty where she can see it and she'll go.
It hasn't been perfect. She has had a couple of accidents here and there. At the end of the night on Saturday she couldn't make it to the bathroom on time and unloaded on the stairs. And then my company came and informed me of her mess. :) That was nice. And then the next night right before bath again she wasn't wearing anything and poo'd on the floor. And then told us in her very Marvelly like way that there was poop on the floor and she did it. Okay great. Whatever, she already poo'd in the potty earlier that day.
I am sooooooo happy! This potty training is a dream after Sydaleigh's whole poo holding phase.
That was a flippin' nightmare! This time around is a breeze! Marvelly doesn't ask for treats or rewards of any kind, she doesn't need to be bribed...the girl just goes. It clicked.
No more paying for diapers for this family.
"Uh-uhh, uh-uhh, we.are.done. No.more.dia.pers.for.this.fam. Oh yeahhh, oh yeahhh, break.it.down. oh yeahhh."
(unless of course I count the pull-ups for bedtime...and the fact that when we have our next kid we will once again be buying them.) But other than that we are diaper free!
uh...until the agency calls tomorrow ;-)
i think it's pretty incredible! love ya
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