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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A day without a nap is like a cupcake without frosting.

"The days are cold, the nights are long,"

"The North wind sings a doleful song;"

 "Then hush again upon my breast;"

"All merry things are now at rest,

Save thee, my pretty love!"

~Dorothy Wordsworth, "The Cottager to Her Infant"

 (she has taken more naps this week than in the past six months. I think this little one may be growing.) :~)


Bekah Boo said...

it makes me so happy you shot in B&W.
oooo that little one is CUTE!
ps: since Syd now touches people like me, an I also claim Marvi takes naps like Miss Bekah too?!?!
or, did she do that already?!? ;)

Georgia said...

she is so beautiful

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww, I agree that naps are like frosting! So cute little Marvi is!