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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The mu-mu blanket

You know when you're opening up a Christmas gift and the gift giver starts by saying...

"please don't be mad."

that there's not much hope for it being something you asked for and always wanted.

Because a, "please don't be mad" implies that the gift is in fact something you will be displeased about receiving.

Case in point....

Yup, that is exactly what it looks like.

I opened up the gift preceded with the statement, "please don't be mad" to discover this oh so lovely...Snuggie.

Yes, a Snuggie. America's favorite blanket with sleeves.

I am trying. I really am trying. And I have worn it. Yes, I have. I have worn it. Not a lot, but I'm being open to the idea of wearing it more. Personally I think it's kind of weird that you have to wear a blanket, but hey, I'm trying not to think about that.

(thanks honey. It's great. ) :~)

1 comment:

Georgia said...

when i told abby and joel you had a red wings snuggie, their eyes got big; they want to know where to get one to add to the ones they already have