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Friday, January 9, 2009

A week I do not wish to repeat

Where to begin...
well, at my last Sydaleigh poop post she was, well, pooping-not in the potty, but still in fact pooping.
Little did I know, that would be the last poop I' d see from her for the next five days.

Five days.
Five days and no poo.

A lack of poop has never been a problem with my girls.
On the contrary, we are usually overflowing with it-literally, overflowing, with poo.
It's disgusting.
But with this whole potty training business Sydaleigh got really confused and protective of her poop this week.
She didn't want to go in her pull-ups,
because she wanted her special "I poo pooped in the potty!" Cinderella purse prize.
But she wasn't comfortable going on the potty-it's new, ya have to sit down, ect.
So every time she would 'try' to go on the potty she'd get "functional constipation" as the Dr. put it.
"Functional constipation"-
who knew there was an actual medical word for that.

So, five days goes by, I'm racking my brain, and everyone else's brain I can get my hands on, trying to think of ways to 'move things along' (if ya know what I mean).
I heard a horror story about a nearby neighbor who's son actually had to have surgery for not pooping for two weeks.
Surgery to remove poop.
My gosh can you imagine the horror.
"So, what did your daughter have to have surgery for?"
"Oh ya know, to get the poop out."

So the Dr. finally threatened the emergency room if she didn't go using the last trick up my sleeve, but thankfully we didn't even have to go there, because she went.
We have had so much drama in the pee pee department with Sydaleigh, with all of her UTI's, her VCU testing, I was having serious anxiety at the thought of her now being traumatized in the poo poo department.

But on a super high note (despite the fact that she pooped), she is successfully potty trained in the pee department. After one week, she now only goes in the potty, doesn't have accidents during naps or when she goes to bed for the night. She wakes up dry every time. Yay!
I knew she would get it quick in this we just need to tackle the 'other' area.

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