I do not look forward to this right of passage as a parent. It is frustrating. Like, very very frustrating, and tiring and emotionally exhausting. This requires more patience then I ever think I have in me. The whole time I'm sitting there smiling and willing them on and encouraging them to "try again, you can do it, just let the pee pee come out, let the poo poo come out." I'm actually thinking "oh Lord just let them do it so we can be done with this already!" Because there is just something about potty training that I despise.
Okay, let me clarify. Potty training, well, sucks. I really do despise it. But I will admit that it is pretty cool seeing my kids 'get' it. Feel accomplished. Like they achieved something. Watching them grin from ear to ear knowing we are all rooting for them and feeling the sweetness of success.
That part is great. I love that part. I love the success.
Not so much of fan of the obstinance. Or, the accidents.
So, she is doing it. Drinking.sitting.Drinking.sitting.drinking.sitting. over and over and over and over.
I am doing it. smiling.praying.smiling.praying.smiling.praying. over and over and over and over. Until I'm blue in the face and she is blue in the legs. :) We will do this. Whatever doesn't kill us...well, doesn't kill us. Not so sure about the stronger part! Oohh, kidding.....sort of. :)
Happy new year. No turning back :~) My babies becoming a big girl. (maybe that's why I despise this so much?! When did she even get big enough to sit on the potty?!)
(two minutes ago Sydaleigh started excitedly screaming that Marvelly just peed all by herself. While I was downstairs, she had to pee, sat down, and did her business without and help or prompting! Oh thank you Jesus! We haven't even been doing this for 24 hours!)
How are you getting her to stinkin sit there? Cole will absolutely not sit on his potty for anything- much less pee!
she is such a doll! i love the 'no turning back' moments in life - just not some of the repercussions that go with them!!! skype? love ya!
I just went through this with the little girl I babysit. I can only imagine how much more patient a parent needs to be. I am not sure if this suggestion will help but the little girl I watch had issues with pooping in the potty and so the way we got her excited was telling her she got to hear a splash when it came out lol. She seemed to think it was really cool and started going in the potty.
Just let me tell you, it's soooooo much easier with girls.
D'Ache- you're saying there is hope with Cole? Any advice? Miss y'all! Would love to catch up!
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