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Friday, January 21, 2011

See a need and fill it

I received an email from Isaak two days ago.

An email about a family stationed here who just lost everything in a house fire.

So, after I read his email, I sent out word to my ladies...and the collecting began.

In less than 48 hours we had dozens and dozens of clothes, toys, suitcases filled up, diapers, wipes, books, movies, household goods, gift card, name it. The girls dug in and gave up all to meet the needs of another.

To be Christ to someone in need.

I hesitated to even write about this...because we have been actively doing outreach together for the past 3 years. We've done our fair share of drives. We've collected and donated our fair share of items. We have served together in about every which way. But I don't know...this time there was no advanced planning.

There was an email.

A call to arms.

And an immediate response.

That is why I write. Because I love these gals so much and no matter who God places in our lives to serve...they do. It's like second nature. They don't even bat an eyelash anymore when I come to them with a request to help. They are all in. And in this attempt to reach out and bless someone else, I feel like God blessed me again in this process....because I get to call these ladies friends. And seeing the Lord use them to respond to His subtle calls in life.... well that is an unspeakable joy. And it is an immense privilege to do life with them. 


Bekah Boo said...

I love your friends.
this, this is His body BEING His body.
LOVE, love love love it.

and you know what else? it gives me hope. Hope for the time my own dream needs are coming that there are people ready and willing to supply and provide and maybe, just maybe it'll come true. It can happen.

Jen said...

I just love and admire you and your friends/community who give so much, it's inspiring to all!

Georgia said...

love this - can i re-post it on my tellyourGodstory2011 blog? this is what that blog is all about - letting God work in us to show others His love. the site add. is but i'd be glad to copy and paste it for you. love ya!!