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Monday, January 17, 2011

Reaching new heights

This may appear, on the surface, to be an out of control unfolded pile of laundry.
But, ehh ehh ehh...appearances can be deceiving.

I am actually trying to build a mountain of clothes that reaches to the top of my windows. For real, it's been a life long goal of mine. I figured after the first two loads started piling up, that this was as good a time as any to build my masterpiece.

I'm almost there.

Just a few more loads left unfolded, and very carefully placed on top (so that it will not fall and crush and bury alive any innocent passerby's)... and I will have reached my goal. The summit will top approximately 7 feet. That takes some serious skills if I do say so myself.


Bekah Boo said...

O my gosh...
i love you so much.
i am trying to not laugh out loud in the middle of class!!

Meg said...

....and this is why i miss you so insanely much! Well, one reason anyway! And, I will have you know I just submitted a photo of my laundry area to a "messiest laundry room" photo contest in hopes to win some specialty detergent!

Georgia said...

that's cheating because it's starting from the sofa and not from the floor - keep working at that pile! love ya!

Liz W. said...

you can DO IT!!!