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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Halloween that kept on going

It seemed like Halloween was never ending this year. For a one day event we sure got our monies worth that's for sure. :~)

Last Wednesday Sydaleigh's class went to Vala's pumpkin patch for a field trip. And while this wasn't exactly a Halloween event, it was at a pumpkin patch with Halloween decorations, so I'm throwing it in the mix anyways. 

This was Sydaleigh's first field trip and first time on a bus. Isaak was a little bit nervous about her going, so he took the day off work and decided to go with her. And ride the bus with her. And if he could of tethered her to his side I think he would of done that too. :)

And then on Friday was Sydaleigh's class party, which she got to dress up for. Ariel, of course. Her absolute favorite princess. I sprayed parts of her hair red for an extra Ariel like touch which she thought was the greatest thing ever. And I was there as a happy helper and made those tasty sugar cookies for the kids to decorate.

*side note* I love the picture on Syd's bag, it's me and her. Ahh. She is super into drawing right now and I think in my not humble mommy opinion that she is best darn 4 year old drawer there is! Only she could draw me with purple hair and a receding hair line and I would swoon over it!

Saturday the craze continued with a "Harvest Festival", a.k.a church Halloween party at the base chapel right behind our house. This is the first year they've done this and it.was.awesome! And free! And we could walk there! And it was gorgeous outside! And I hope they do this next year because we loved it. Luuuved it! There were games and giveaways (which I did not win but Liz did!) and food and candy and cupcakes. Best thing I've seen the base put on in a long time.

the girls only wanted to get dressed up in their favorite dresses for the "party". Seriously, they hear 'party' and there is only one thing to wear in their minds. A fancy dress. :)

face painting and a bouncy house too.

and free food. Shoot, I'll go just about anywhere that doesn't make me have to cook for a night. Crap, that's worth it in itself.

some kinda cool popcorn relay race. Sydaleigh was all over that.

and this happened once the whole night, for maybe 10 seconds, and then it was over. 

so great. so so so so great. They better do this again next year or I will be ticked!

And then Sunday we did it all again! The girls got dressed up for real this time to go collect candy around the neighborhood. Marvelly's fairy costume cost me all of $4. Thank you very much. We did chili at Kara's beforehand and then set out to hit up base housing. Sydaleigh was on Halloween overload at this point so we lasted about 50 minutes and then she called it quits.

They were pooped. Sydaleigh told me next year she "just wants to stay home and not get dressed up hand out candy because this is too much walking and makes me tired." That works for me. Only one problem I see with that though....we may actually have to buy candy for a change, and I'd be handing out our stash and no one would be out refilling it for me! I may have to dress Isaak up and send him out to collect for us. If only our county didn't ticket kids for trick or treating over 13. What's up with that?!

Happy Fall!


Bekah Boo said...

love love LOVE! That last photo of you guys!
SO great!!

THe girls are freakin adorable. As always.
you and Isaak aren't so bad yourselves! :)

D'Ache' said...

Well what would you wear to a party? Of course a fancy dress, that's what you do. ;) They are adorable as always.