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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sweet tooth or clearance addict?

Why did we buy all this again???

Oh yeah, I was $ .62 a bag at Target. That's right. Sixty-TWO cents. A bag. At my love store. And there ain't no resisting a sale like that. Because I am a clearance addict. what to do with all of it???

I already spread two bags worth of goodness in our Operation Christmas Child boxes. Only 7 more to go.

Yeah, I'm thinking people are getting baggies of candy for Christmas. Like, over 11lbs worth of baggies of candy. Or, stale candy for next Halloween. But then again, with all the preservatives they put in the candy it will probably still be fresh!

I'd like to say that I have buyers remorse, for buying over 11lbs of candy, but, that really doesn't happen to me when we're talking clearance. Or chocolatey goodness. And if it did, I'd just bury it with sugar.


Georgia said...

great attitude!!! if there is any left, buy a few bags for me and i'll pay ya for them. love ya!

Anonymous said...

Well, I think the answer to your question is a little of both. You CANNOY pass up a sale like that, I know this because I have the same candy at my house that I bought for the same prices! :) Also, I do think you may have an addiction, again I say this in love and appreciation since I probably have the same addiction!

D'Ache' said...

I miss Target.......