Come on in...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A cold homecoming

We finally made it home yesterday evening from 17 days of travels and vacation. Whew.
It is Nothing like sleeping in your own bed, sitting on your own couch, eating off your own plates. :)

But I am not loving the fact that Nebraska greeted us with snow, 23 degree weather, 30 mph winds, and a wind chill of 6 degrees.

That's just plain cruel.

That's quite a difference coming from Hilton Head where we've been roughing it at the beach in the 70's all week.

70's to a wind chill of 6 degrees.

Welcome home!

(posts on our vacation to follow once I thaw out. :~) )


Holly said...

not cool.

(NO word verification is: panters
what the heck!!!!????)

Beccy said...

Welcome Home!!!!!!! Missed you and can't wait to hear EVERYTHING!!!!