Come on in...

Friday, September 24, 2010

I love days like this

Temperature in the low 70's. sunny. light breeze.

Every window in the house open to let in the light and sweet breeze of Fall.

I love days like today. If I could find a city in the world that was like this every day I would move there.

Beautiful and peaceful.

I just sigh, and soak it all up. These kinds of days are far and few between in Nebraska. Mostly it is either extremely hot or extremely cold or extremely windy. We rarely have days in the middle. Where it just feels like peace outside.

So, I'm headed out to my swing, to soak up the warm sun, and soak up His word. I need to get my fill of both before tomorrow roles around and it's sopping cold and wet again.


Marcie said...

It was nice in Augusta too. I'm glad you took advantage of His creation!

Georgia said...

hey - what happened to your other posts? i came onto your blog site today and every post after this one is gone!

Beccy said...

I know a city where it is like that everyday. Only you would have to move to Chile! :o)