Come on in...

Monday, March 1, 2010

All dressed up

Last night I was downstairs doing some 'r another when I heard...
Isaak laughing upstairs with the girls...
followed by...
ding a ling a ling sound going down the hall...
followed by...
"Melissa, come see this"...
as I get to the top of the stairs I see...

Anna the cat, decorated in a variety of bows and clips.

and Sydaleigh telling me that she did in fact, "decorate Nanni for Christmas"

Sydaleigh did this during quiet time while Anna was sitting on her bed.
She actually had more on her but Anna managed to shake some off the past couple hours.
This is right before bed and she still had a dozen or so clips in her fur...and she didn't even mind!
What a good sport our Anna cat is (whom the girls have lovingly renamed Nanni).
We love this cat.
She's just another one of the girls...long hair, bows and all.


Anonymous said...

She needs to submit Chief to that torure treatment! He deserves it way more!

Liz W. said...

I didn't even know you had 2 cats...

Georgia said...

innovation driven! i think she makes a marvelous christmas cat