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Friday, March 5, 2010

Marvelly at 2

Marvelly turned 2.
Wowzers. It sounds so cliche to say, "it seems like yesterday they were born",
but as parents, it does. It goes by fast. And these past 2 years have gone by very fast with Marvelly. She is a little bite sized kid with a whopping personality and her presence has added such an awesome dynamic to our family. The girl never slows down which keeps us on our toes...all the time. :)

So to celebrate we did a little Tiana themed party/get together with some friends. Marvelly got a new Tiana dress, Tiana balloon, Tiana cake...she really likes Tiana so we went with that. :)
On the morning of her birthday she came downstairs for breakfast to her balloons and gifts waiting at her seat. (it's become a tradition of sorts).
I attempted to make a Tiana cake. (that's suppose to be a lilly pad on the top). And despite the fact that I am not a person with mad cake making abilities, the girls loved it. I don't think it turned out too shabby myself. :)

blowing out her candles and tasting the cake

there were a lot of little kids in the house,
but we somehow managed to all squeeze in and have fun

Happy birthday my love....

Marvelly......talks in 4-6 word sentences.
Can say virtually anything.
Likes to over emphasizes the last word in her sentences when trying to get a point across,
such as, "I want caaaaaake," or, "no, not that ooooooone".
Can count to 10 when playing hide and seek.
Knows the name of all the colors...but still gets confused as to which color is which...
so basically everything is blue and pink.
Has a very strong attachment to her blanket.
Still gets milk in a sippy before nap and bedtime.
Does sideways summersaults
Still waiting to grow eight more teeth
isn't tall enough yet to sit at the table without her booster
started calling Daddy, "Isaak" every once and a while
unknowingly still makes her suckle face when she's really tired and laying close to me
enjoys food, all food
folds a little loop in her blanket and puts her index finger inside
Entered into the "mine" phase full force, and it's not just limited to toys but people as well, particularly me, "My Mommy toooooooo", she says to Syd over and over and over again.
Started brushing her teeth as opposed to just sucking the toothpaste off
Favorite toy is the crazy haired Grandma doll from the Loving Family
Learning the lyrics to all our favorite Mamma Mia hits
Transitioned to calling me "Mamma"
likes to antagonize Syd
hates getting her hair brushed
walks backward away from the t.v. when she's scared
has the most cheery disposition
likes to dig chapstick out of the tube with her finger and eat it.


Holly said...

I can't even describe how much I love me a Marvelly!!!!

AND THAT CAKE!!!!!!!!!

Bekah said...

the cake is amazing. for real.
you're amazing. wow. wow. wow!!

i love marvi girl. i can't believe its been two years!! i remember waiting by the internet for the photos to ehar from you as you returned from the hospital. now she's two!? can it be, missy???