Tomorrow's a doozy.
Like, mega doozy.
The kind of doozy that draws crazy looks from people at the park when you mention what you're doing. But, then again, I draw a lot of crazy looks these days.
Tomorrow morning we all have our last rabbies vaccine scheduled. With the luck we've had in the shots department lately...that woulda been enough for one day as it is.
But, tomorrow is also the only day until August that we can be seen up in Bethesda at the Walter Reed Medical Center (the largest military medical center in the United States) to see a specialist for our malaria medication. Bethesda is 15 miles away. I asked some other ladies today if they'd ever been seen there, so I could kinda know what to expect. Per experienced Bethesda go-ers...those fifteen miles take a minimum of 2 hours to drive. The facilities are more like a hospital city with over five gates you can enter through and at least six parking garages. Expect to cry, and get lost. It was recommended, with serious faces, that I leave four hours early. And expect to be there at least three hours. *I'm sorry, my eyes started bulging at the six parking garages you mentioned...fantastic....this is a disaster waiting to happen for someone like me.*
As if another round of vaccines and a seven hour trip to a 15 mile away hospital isn't enough for one day....tomorrow also happens to be the last weekend available to us to travel down South to see my family before we move. So, after the vaccines, and apparently seven hour hospital trip, I am hopping in the car with just me and the girls to drive 7 hours to North Carolina (seven hours because I'm not lucky enough to make it outta this city without hitting traffic).
Mmm hmmm. To bad the crazy doesn't end there.
As if all of that wasn't enough for one day, I got a call late this afternoon telling me that the school physical form for Sydaleigh we dropped off at the clinic to be signed (signed, because she just had a physical two weeks ago and I was not about to bring her back in for another can sign that stinkin' paper thank you very much).....
....turns out they can't sign it for us after all.
Her doc can't sign off on it because the school is requesting that a urinalysis and a hemoglobin test be done...and well, ya know, we haven't had that done yet.
So now while at the clinic to get our vaccines we can make a pit stop at the lab for Sydaleigh to try and pee in a cup and get blood drawn. Yeah, let me just explain that to my six year old who we already have to restrain just to get her shots.
I mean, I don't really know what to say. you want fries with that too? How about a kidney?!?!?!?!?!
You better speak now or forever hold your peace! 'Cause we don't know how much more of this we can take! Holy cow it's always somethin' else. And somethin' else. And somethin' else.
Clearly tomorrow is going to be nightmarish. And my only prayer for tomorrow is, "Jesus, help me to make it through this day without scorching anyone's face off when I accidentally breathe fire on them." Yeah. Yeah that about covers it.
It's hard and all the stuff is overwhelming but it will get done, you & the girls will make it and you will be in Africa ina couple of months. Your experience overseas will be so well worth it. Hang in there...praying for you guys! :-)
Just so you know, praying for you special today. Praying God goes ahead of you to smooth your path and give you great courage. Love you!
Africa will be a breeze after this...
that's the upside! =)
Ohhhh, that is seriously brutal. Poor Sydeleigh, that's a lot to handle :( And poor you! Major props to you for even attempting the driving thing, I think I'd be tempted to rent a cab and hang the cost : P I'll pray tomorrow goes as well as possible!
bwa ha ha ha ! scorching someone's face off1 bwa ha ha ha!!! love ya!
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