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Monday, June 25, 2012

Vern and Sylvia came to town.

This weekend some of our favorite people from the midwest came to town! Ah, pure joy! We haven't seen Vern and Sylvia since their wedding in Iowa back in October, but with great friends it doesn't matter how much times goes without seeing each can just pick up right where you left off, and such is the case with them. We had so much fun. And for only being in town for less than three days....we made every minute of their trip count!

As God would have it, one of Sylvia's good friends also lives in the DC area so on Friday Sylvia and Emily (who I can now call friend!) spent the day exploring Alexandria, while Isaak and Vern got acquainted with Ben's Chili and playing video games back at our house. Later that evening we all met up at Holly's where the girls stayed and had some girl time while the boys went off on their own.

We talked and laughed and poked fun (which I love because Sylvia is a poke fun and laugh a lot kinda gal!)
After a late night on Friday we headed home to sleep and then were back at Holly's to soak up more of their company. We were able to sneak out of the house for a bit and hit up a Thai restaurant, get some yogurt, do some thrifting where we happen to come across a thrift store going out of business so everything was 75% off.

I could see the clouds parting and the angels in heaven singing to me a chorus of "HAAAA-LLELUJAH!!" (well, they were singing for me and Holly. Sylvia took a nap on the couch in the store. An actual nap. I've never seen someone fall asleep so quickly in such a public place before! ha ha! A few more times hanging out with us and she'll be diggin' through racks to find a three dollar blazer too (nice find Holly). Oh yes she will. :~) )

When we got back we got ready for lots more company to come over and had a BBQ at Holly's with some more friends.
Catan just so happen to be in our car, where it made it's way to the table for a friendly little game between some very competitive people. And when I say "friendly" I mean...lots of trash talkin', threats of physical pain, threats made good when Isaak got clobbered by a pillow in the head multiple times by Sylvia, accusations of cheating, fits of impatience and rage, promises of revenge.......ya know, just your typical game of Catan. :~)
We then played Mafia....where I won. Both times. My power of persuasion is not to be matched. Tatiana and Jamima/Lakisha got nothin' on me! (so point your "thumbs" elsewhere! Ha ha!) 
Sunday was church where Sydaleigh joined us in the big church. I love it that God has placed other adults in my girls life that they love and deeply respect who can also lead them closer to Christ. And my girls love them some Vern and Sylvia.
After church we hung out some more while the kids soaked themselves silly in the splash park, clothes and all.
It was a great weekend. Full of so many good times, with lots of new memories made. Feeling extra blessed that we were able to see Vern and Sylvia before we leave. God has placed some good friends in our lives and we do not take that for granted. We love them so much and praying a trip to Burkina is in their future. A girl can pray! Till next time!

1 comment:

Georgia said...

where's marvelly in the fountain?? don't see my other girl! see you thurs.! love ya