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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

'This' all needs to go away

I'm starting to go a bit stir crazy.

For the first two months of winter I'm usually pretty good, I fair pretty well. But come February, I start to lose it. The snow, the wind, the freezing temperatures.....all start to wear on me just, a little bit.

I haven't been outside, in, I don't remember when. And going to and from the car for church, and preschool, and Target doesn't count as being outside. That is more like running and holding your breath so your throat don't freeze....not the same.

My toes are cold, even with two pairs of socks, and slippers covering them.
My floors are cold, even with towels rolled up in front of the cracks to stop the wind from creeping in.
The house is cold even with the thermostat set to 75.
I can hear the wind swirling and whirling around outside, because it's Nebraska, and it's windy, and the windy wind is loud. Which is an ever unpleasant reminder that outsides is off limits.
The ground is once again covered under a slick layer of ice and snow. Which makes getting the mail a death trap.
The pipes get so cold it's hard to keep the water warm so we have to crank up the water heater to scalding (yes, that's an actual setting). So every time I turn the water to 'hot' to keep my fingers from turning to popsicles while doing the dishes I get 3rd degree burns. 
My body is tired all the time because it's trying to hibernate due to the frigid temps.

So yeah, it's February, which means that while my thoughts concerning the pretty white fluff hanging around yesterday were something like, "oh, yeah, how pretty, I love the snow," has officially turned into today, "get that crap off my lawn, off my car, off my driveway, off my shoes because I looooooooathe you."

This all needs to go away.

(wishing I had some magically sparkly red shoes right now to wish this winter away. darn fairytales for making me believe you have super powers!)


Georgia said...

yeah, i remember those days and those very same feelings! and sitting with my gloves and hat on wrapped up in a blanket, sitting in my rocking chair positioned under the vent so i could try to stay warm while i watched t.v. FUTILE!!! raining and windy here but i can live with that. love ya!

Georgia said...

yeah, i remember those days and those very same feelings! and sitting with my gloves and hat on wrapped up in a blanket, sitting in my rocking chair positioned under the vent so i could try to stay warm while i watched t.v. FUTILE!!! raining and windy here but i can live with that. love ya!

Georgia said...

crazy thing - it didn't post my comment because i missed a letter and then it published it twice!