Come on in...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Patience child....patience...

I'm trying not to stalk my email.....
I'm trying not to pace up and down the hallway....
I'm trying to be patient.
But word is a week overdue.
'Word' being something I set my heart on before I even gave myself permission to set my heart on it.
A life long dream.
A life long passion.
An answered life long prayer.
An amazing opportunity.
And it's at my fingertips.
And I'm just waiting on the word.
My heart wants this so bad and being patient while I wait for it is not easy.....


Kelly said...

Um...send me an e-mail, please.

I want to know the deets.

Love you guys :)

Georgia said...

i know the feeling! love ya!!!!

D'Ache' said...

They never said patience was easy.