I could blame it on being tired. I could. We played outside more today than we have in the past two months combined. The girls were tired tonight.
But right now. This is not tired.
This is a small glimpse of what it is going to be like from here...to forever.
Sydaleigh is currently crying...no no no....more like bawling....deeply sobbing...because Daddy doesn't like grapes, and she does, and that hurts her feelings.
Oh my.
At bath time she was bawling because she thought Isaak yelled at her, when in fact, he did not.
During story time fifteen minutes later she started bawling, again, because Marvelly bumped her head on the bed and it scared her.
And now, after we calmed her down for the second time, I rubbed her back, prayed, we left their room in cheery moods, I walked out and she started all over again.
Because Isaak doesn't like grapes.
Oh my.
Yes, she is tired. But this is some serious girlie hormones wrecking havoc on my poor little first born.
I have been slowly noticing these erratic cry fests for the past couple months, since turning five, so I'm blaming it on her five year old hormones.
Who ever said that hormones don't kick in until puberty years...well, that's a load of junk. Because they start showing a whole lot sooner than that.
I have a five year old crying over grapes right now to prove it.
Poor Isaak. He has no idea what he's in for. :~)
These girlie hormones are not for the faint of heart.
We had issues too yesterday. And it was a Full moon, too!!!
I think it is full moon/5 year old hormones. We had some crazy business this week with Seth, too. I can't even remember what he was bawling about at bedtime the other night, but it was something equally ridiculous as grapes. And then Gavin went off last night at bedtime - no rhyme or reason. Did you hear we may be able to see the Northern Lights? I looked last night and didn't see anything - wondering if we are too close to the city lights.
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