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Saturday, December 26, 2009

word of the day

Tribow (tree-bowe)
v. 1-to sing louder than Junior

(Sydaleigh has this thing where she likes to make up words and give them meanings, and this is what she came up with today. )

1 comment:

Bekah Boo said...

o my gosh, she is genius!!! why do we not do this?!?! we could totally rock the coming up with our own name things. like:
pattlight: which is the condition of beign in love with robert pattinson and all things twilight.
miaglee: which is an uncanny obession and love for all things mamma mia that creates such delight it makes you giddy with glee and joy.
ok, ok....those both sucked. but we should really do this! :)